Цикл лекций, прочитанных на методологическом семинарев 2008–2009 годах В этой книге представлен цикл лекций, прочитанных В. Мацкевичем в рамках методологического семинара в 2008–2009 годах. В поисках ответа на практический вопрос институционализации мышления в современном обществе автор разворачивает представления о зарождении и функционировании философии как социального института, предназначенного для культивирования мышления и заботы о его воспроизводстве… Читать далее Книга: Введение в философию (2024)
Рубрика: Книги
The infancy of a civil nation in Belarus. From allegiance to citizenship (book)
On the one hand, we delve into civil education’s topics and problems, thrashing out standards, methods, and contents down to concrete educational techniques. Simultaneously, we face with public opinion’s and the theoretical plan’s uncertainty concerning the understanding of what the Belarusan nation is. But if there is no established conceptualization about the nation, then it is very difficult to formulate the notion «citizen». While there is no at least minimal consensus in disputes and discussions on who the Belarusans are and what the Belarusan nation is, any understanding of a concrete citizen of Belarus is going to be oppugned.
Communities’ building and development (book)
The basic thesis on which we build our entire activity towards local community development in Belarus is the statement of the fact that there are no local communities or local self-government in Belarus. It is very difficult to believe and therefore it is usually viewed as either a mistaken speech form, or a provocative message.
Most difficult is to perceive it as a mere statement. It is especially difficult for European colleagues for whom communities as a form of people’s organisation is an inherent part of their lives and thus natural like air. Communities can be weak or strong, more or less successful or organised, but they are always there.
The Quality and Way of life in Belarus: evolution and possibilities of transformation (book)
In this work, we consider the lifeway sphere to be changing – from generation to generation, or even during a period comparable with human life. Moreover, we believe that in the lifeway sphere it is possible and even necessary to have changes or reforms with apt concepts, notions, programmes and political will in order to implement them.
Public dialog in Belarus: from grass-roots democracy to civic participation (book)
The book continues the “Belarus for Beginners” series and deals with the problem of organizing political dialog in Belarus. The book studies successively a number of questions which lie in the foundation of this problem: from the differentiation of the notions “people” and “society” — to the specificity of public communication and dialog organization principles.Much… Читать далее Public dialog in Belarus: from grass-roots democracy to civic participation (book)
Книга: Свобода и мышление. Эссе о гражданском обществе (2022)
Книга представляет собой сборник эссе Владимира Мацкевича, посвященных гражданскому обществу, написанных в декабре 2019 – январе 2020 годов. Ключевым вопросом этих рассуждений стал вопрос о том, способно ли беларусское общество противостоять современным вызовам и угрозам.
Книга: Отвечая за себя. Записки философа с вредным характером (2021)
Эта книга сложилась на основе записей Владимира Мацкевича в «Фейсбуке», которые публиковались как серия рассуждений в период с февраля по май 2019 года. Это живой, прямой разговор философа с самим собой, с политиками, гражданскими активистами и всеми, кто готов его услышать и понять.
Freedom and Thinking. Essays on Civil Society (book)
Excerpts from the book.
The author analyses the foundations of civil society and the role media, public opinion, and the state play in its development and maintenance, how civil society relates to the nation, to different actions and practices of public participation.
Moving on to current challenges, Uladzimir Matskevich examines in detail the evolution of social connections and relations and raises questions about new forms of civil society in the contemporary era.
Taking Responsibility for Oneself. Notes of a Philosopher With a Tart Temper (book)
Excerpts from the book.
The book consists of three parts. The first part, “My Place of Power”, is about the philosopher’s and intellectual’s self-identification in political and public practice, their place and work. The second part, “Lack of Meaning”, analyses the situation in the country on the eve of transformations and upheavals. Uladzimir Matskevich explores the nature of the contemporary Belarusian dictatorship, the state of the public sphere, moods, identity, and social foundations for change in society. The third part, “Coming After You”, is a performative statement. It contains an open letter to the president and proposals for a course of action for political leaders. After the events of 2020-2021, these proposals serve both as an imprint of that political situation and a basis for reflection and criticism of revolutionary action.
Глобальное потепление после холодной войны (2017)
Задаваясь вопросом о том, возможны ли реформы в Беларуси, автор рассматривает условия и обстоятельства, которые позволяют ответить на этот вопрос. Ответить не в залоге «да», «нет», «затрудняюсь ответить», а в деятельностном залоге. А значит, разобраться в первую очередь с тем, кто заинтересован в реформах, кто обладает волей и необходимыми ресурсами для их осуществления.