In 2007—2008, we worked on Belarus’ civil education concept, developed a set of educational methodical materials on this topic, and conducted the training of coaches and experts from this sphere. During this work, we have found out theoretical gaps and notions’ imprecision, and not only in educational pedagogic aspects, but also in the very contents of the notions «citizen», «citizenship», and «civicism».
On the one hand, we delve into civil education’s topics and problems, thrashing out standards, methods, and contents down to concrete educational techniques. Simultaneously, we face with public opinion’s and the theoretical plan’s uncertainty concerning the understanding of what the Belarusan nation is. But if there is no established conceptualization about the nation, then it is very difficult to formulate the notion «citizen». While there is no at least minimal consensus in disputes and discussions on who the Belarusans are and what the Belarusan nation is, any understanding of a concrete citizen of Belarus is going to be oppugned.
Uladzimir Matskevich, Tatsiana Vadalazhskaya, Andrei Yahorau. The infancy of a civil nation in Belarus. From allegiance to citizenship. 2008